North American bandamp party!!!
Weeeeeee was a lot of fun and it was so good to meet some of you face to face and then jam out together!!! Taka, you are very talented and very much enjoyed listening to you rock out at least 3 different instuments! There ares some good bandamp samples out there somewhere from this party nudge nudge [;)] [;)] , but I only have a video. Is there a place to put videos up here? It was also a great pleasure to meet the fish at last!!! I feel like I've known him a long time - especially after all those late night skype parties lol! It was awesome to meet Nakedtoes and Jim and to have Flyer phone in and say hello!!!! Also, thanks to spoon for hosting such a fun party - she usually knows how to get the party started! [8)] you rock ! I had a blast !!! Would like to hear some of the festivities some day, but until then ....who wants to host next year? [;)] I'll go now and put up some pics, but i guess I won't put up faces - so there's only couple pics up.!
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